Market Snapshot Wasatch Back 4th Quarter 2022

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Real Estate


The 2022 year-end data was just released by the Park City Multiple Listing Service, and the numbers depict a continued transition from the superheated market of 2020-21 to a more typical state of activity. As you will see below, sales volumes are generally down across the board, but prices continued to see increases in many areas.

Our upcoming Market Pulse newsletter will analyze these trends in greater detail, but in the meantime, this Snapshot provides a quick glance at the 4th Quarter numbers in our area according to property type and neighborhood. 
As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like a more in-depth report for your area(s) of interest.

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INTEREST RATES  As of January 12, 2023

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12 Month Rolling Year-Over-Year   |   Jan - Dec 2021  vs  Jan - Dec 2022
CONDOMINIUMS by Neighborhood
VACANT LAND by Neighborhood or Area

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Look for the complete
Market Pulse Report: 4th Quarter 2022
in your inbox in a couple of weeks!
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about your specific real estate needs. Hope you are enjoying an outstanding winter!

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Sundance returns to Park City this week! 
Check out KPCW's article on What You Need To Know For This Year's Festival. Park City has also published a community guide for the festival.

The keys to enjoying the festival are to be aware of the special traffic and parking requirements and to allow for a little extra time and patience throughout the week. And when all else fails, just hit the slopes to escape the festival crowds and enjoy all the snow we have this year!

All data derived from statistics provided by the Park City Multiple Listing Service.

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